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interdisciplinary forum & open access lexicon

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The word synergy has become a key term in theoretical cultural debates in recent years. But what exactly is meant when one speaks of cooperative interactions (synérgeia)? How do such models intervene in generating and structuring knowledge and how might they contribute in the long term to innovation in our knowledge-based society?
On this Wiki platform of the project »Synergy. A History of Knowledge« you learn more about current research questions on synergy as well as about the (trans-)disciplinary usage of this term, provided in relevant →synergyfeatures and the digital →slipbox. Orientation and access to our findings and fields within the conceptual history of synergy is also given by our →topiclist.

SynergieWissen (»SynergyKnowledge«) was founded in 2011 at the Center (since 2019 Leibniz Center) for Literary and Cultural Research (ZfL) as interactive co-working space, aiming at the interdisciplinary exchange of concepts, models, techniques and practices related to all forms of cooperation. All activities related to the SynergieWissen →network, in particular the SynergyTalks discussion group, are documented in the sections →talks and →blog.

As part of the Fellow Programme Free Knowledge, the Wiki platform was redesigned, to be followed up in the project’s →logbook. Now it provides a research archive of collaborative work and an open lexicon that needs to be continued.

The Project »Synergy. A History of Knowledge« was run by Tatjana Petzer, a recipient of a Dilthey Fellowship (2010-2020) from the Volkswagen Foundation’s »Focus on the Humanities« initiative. The project was also supported by the Fellow Programme Free Knowledge (2017/18), which is a joint project of Wikimedia Deutschland, the German Donor’s Association and the Volkswagen Foundation.

en/startseite.1651180718.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/04/28 21:18 by tatjana